i feel like i'm onto something. combining the fashion photography that i love, with the painted street scenes that i've been doing. can't wait to do more. tonight i'm printing out line art from photos i've done and printing onto watercolor paper. we'll see where that goes....
just did an amazing shoot with my favorite team...vu, nina, jonathan and meloni. superimposed this shot of meloni onto a shot of a parisian moment taken 12 years ago. too fun. might have to get into the darkroom to print from some more parisian and prague negs....
the perpendicular, north-south running ugly stepsister of sunset boulevard. a good day for me is when i can stay west of this street. there are even t shirts for sale in santa monica saying "a.w.o.l." which means "allways west of lincoln"...had some great suggestions about doing a series just on lincoln boulvard. this is my first stab at it.
this is another great corner of contrasts. still loving this process. i added a clip art photo from a victorian women's fashion photo clip art book... and some japanese dots...
still continuing on this suburban redecoration. just bought some dover cd's. think i need some patterns. saw some great contemporary japanese patterns at the amazing art/design bookstore, hennessey and ingalls.
getting closer to a clear vision. i photographed some spots that i drive by everyday. i'd like to drive to the valley, where i lived the first 6 years of my life, and see what yummy suburban bliss awaits.
i've been shooting old prints so i can incorporate them into new work. i used to print in the darkroom and paint on my prints. i'm ready to go back to that. want to print and then paint on composited images....always want to get the touch of a hand in there. i love the computer, but there's nothing that beats the human touch.
i've been digging through old photos of mine that i can composite. i've always loved this shot of lilly, taken on my birthday 2 years ago. got an old print that i shot in prague in the background and some illustrations from an old french dictionary. i'm really happy when i can work in words into my images. after going through some old explorations, i was inspired....
picked up a sculpture, a trio of birds, made in japan, at the council for jewish women thrift store on venice blvd. a fantastic treasure trove. combined with an old shot of lilly and a recent painting.